Monday, June 24, 2024 La Separación de las Ovejas y las Cabras en el Juicio Final

La parábola de la separación de las ovejas y las cabras, descrita en Mateo 25:31-46, es una de las enseñanzas más impactantes y cruciales de Jesucristo acerca del juicio final. En este relato, Jesús n...

Saturday, June 22, 2024 La Gran Comisión

Bienvenidos a Voz en el Desierto, el podcast que te acompaña en tu caminar espiritual y te brinda palabras de aliento y reflexión en medio de la aridez de la vida! Hoy nos sumergimos en un tema fundam...

Thursday, June 20, 2024 La reedificación del templo de Jerusalén y su significado cristiano profético

La reedificación del templo de Jerusalén y su significado profético.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024 The Concept of Armageddon: A Study of the Ultimate Victory of God's Righteousness

The concept of Armageddon is related to military struggles, to the place of the great battle and wickedness, and is mentioned in the book of Revelation. This passage has its final fulfillment not in p...

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 “God doesn’t love us all; He loves us each.”

There’s a doctrine around called the Universal Fatherhood of God and the Universal Brotherhood of Man: It says this—that God is the Father of all, and we’re all brothers. That sounds good, that sounds...

Monday, June 17, 2024 First, the only true and living God is the God who speaks.

We know who God is not because any of us was smart enough to figure Him out, but because out of His own love, grace, and mercy He has spoken to us. Moses says this explicitly in Deuteronomy 4:32: “To ...

Monday, June 17, 2024 A Crisis of preaching In The Church

One of the hallmarks of our time is that we face a crisis of preaching. Indeed it would be an exercise in self-delusion if we tried to pretend that nothing is wrong with the preaching that happens in ...

Sunday, June 16, 2024 Una crisis en la predicación

Nuestra era actual está marcada por una crisis en la predicación. Sería un error ignorar los problemas presentes en la predicación encontrada en la mayoría de las iglesias evangélicas. Considera esto:...

Thursday, June 6, 2024 Introduction to Armageddon Prophecies

The Significance of Armageddon in Christian Beliefs In the realm of Christian beliefs, few topics garner as much attention and fascination as the concept of Armageddon. The mere mention of this apoca...

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 The Guiding Light in the Desert: Understanding the Role of the Holy Spirit in the End Times

Title: The Guiding Light in the Desert: Understanding the Role of the Holy Spirit in the End Times In the vast expanse of the desert, where solitude stretches infinitely and silence reigns s...

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 Unveiling the Role of Angels in the End Times

Title: Unveiling the Role of Angels in the End Times Introduction In the realm of spiritual beliefs and prophetic interpretations, the role of angels in the end times holds a signi...

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 LO PROHIBIDO Y LO INVITADO

LO PROHIBIDO Y LO INVITADO Juan 7:32 al 39 En esta gran fiesta del templo, Jesús lloró dos veces. La primera fue el llanto de reprimenda (Juan 7:28), la segunda fue el llanto de co...