Saturday, September 14, 2024 The Three Angels' Messages to the world.

The message of the three angels from revelation 14. A message for our times.

Saturday, September 14, 2024 Mision de la iglesia

Todos sabemos que la misión de la Iglesia incluye predicar a Cristo a los nocreyentes para que se salven los elegidos de Dios. Pero los seres humanos ...

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 Prediques buenos consejos

El comienzo seguro de la muerte espiritual de una iglesia es un giro en su predicación. Poco a poco se deja de predicar la clara Palabra de Dios que c...

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 The spirit of lack

The Power of Targeted Prayer   Hi, my name is Caesar and I am a voice in the desert. It's great to be with you today, especially to share the word of ...

Sunday, September 8, 2024 Praying against the Spirit of Lack

How to do targeted prayers against the wiles of the enemy.

Sunday, September 8, 2024 "Divine Conversations: Exploring the Power of Holy Prayers";

"Divine Conversations: Exploring the Power of Holy Prayers";   Welcome to Divine Conversations, a podcast where we delve into the transformative power...

Saturday, September 7, 2024 Jesus Came to Set the Captives Free

Like angels, demons are created beings. Demons, or devils, are evil spirits that work against God’s will. The late Derek Prince, a general of delivera...

Saturday, September 7, 2024 Fiery Darts

Fiery Darts:   Unfortunately, where God builds a church, the devil builds a chapel. The fallen angels are close too. They seek to discourage us and di...

Saturday, September 7, 2024 Guiding Sheep to Heaven

Guiding Sheep to Heaven:   “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints” (Ps 116:15). Let’s not let our joy become overshadowed by th...

Thursday, September 5, 2024 Stages of Subversion in the Church

  Stages of Subversion in the Church   This strategy of subversion through worldly influences has progressed through several overlapping stages, some ...

Tuesday, September 3, 2024 The call to clarity

1 Corinthians 14:8: The Call to Clarity and Purpose in Our Communication   Dear Beloved in Christ,   As we gather today, I invite you to turn your hea...

Tuesday, September 3, 2024 The Role Of The Holy Spirit

The Role of the Holy Spirit: Conviction and Transformation     Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,   Today, we gather in the spirit of fellowship and...


on 4/26/2024

"🌟 'A Voice in the Desert has truly been a beacon of light in my life. The insights and spiritual guidance have helped me navigate through tough times with grace.' - Emily R. 🌟 Your journeys inspire...

on 4/22/2024

"I couldn't put this book down! Each chapter left me feeling more inspired and enlightened than the last. Cesar Castro has a way of speaking directly to the soul, and his words have stayed with me lon...

on 4/15/2024

I recently downloaded several free ebooks by author Cesar Castro on A Voice in the Desert, and I must say I am extremely impressed with the quality of the content. The books are well-written, engaging...

on 4/7/2024

I have been an avid listener of the A Voice in the Desert Christian Podcast for quite some time now, and I must say it has been a truly enlightening and enriching experience. The messages shared in ...

on 4/4/2024

I absolutely love listening to A Voice In The Desert podcast. The messages are always inspiring, thought-provoking, and full of wisdom. The host has a unique way of connecting biblical teachings to re...

on 4/1/2024

"🌟 'A Voice in the Desert has truly been a beacon of light in my life. The insights and spiritual guidance have helped me navigate through tough times with grace.' - Emily R. 🌟 Your journeys inspire...

on 4/1/2024

"I have been listening to A Voice In the Desert Christian Podcast for some time now, and I am continually inspired by the thought-provoking messages and deep spiritual insights shared on the podcast. ...

on 2/18/2019

Truth to the core...

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