Remember always that God Loves you. Listen and read His world.
We are the original "A Voice in The Desert" Podcast were we speak the unadulterated word of God. Do not confuse us with ...
God's creation according to Genesis is fundamental for all Christians to know.
Teach your Child about God before satan teaches him his ways.
Jesus cleansed us from sin and we were set free.
Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Our latest podcast is out. If your a parent and or son and daughter this is one message you do not want to miss from God.
What The world has forgotten about honoring its parent. much to say, just listen and pray for your children's salvation.
Whether we Live our Die. We will always belong to the Lord. Rejoice on this great hews.
This Promo is about our latest podcast about honoring your parents and what our God has to say about it. You don't want to miss ...
There is no other God Than Jesus Christ. We shall have no other God Before Him for He is a jealous God and does not share His ...
We are saved by the Grace of Jesus Christ. All this was made possible by the sacrifice that Jesus did on the cross , he how had no ...