TYPES OF WITCHCRAFT IN THE CHURCH part 2 Rebellion For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. – 1 Samuel 15:23a KJV Witchcraft in the church is not always the result of imposters from the local coven engaging in the congregation, although we will look at the subject of “witch plants” in a later section. Scripture teaches us that rebellion is to be treated like witchcraft because it brings a curse into the congregation. When joining a church congregation, it is important that you honor the leader, whether you agree with him/her or not. If you do not agree with them in general and do not respect them, then I would suggest asking the Lord to do a work within your heart or find another congregation. While Saul was still king over Israel, David was anointed as king but was not yet in office. Saul made many mistakes and was “off” on many accounts, but you never saw David rebelling against him. There was always honor. David understood this.

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