John 4:1-30 "He must needs go through Samaria." There was a must needs for every word Christ spoke, and for every act that He did. Those Jews, which had "no dealings with the Samaritans," usually avoided going through Samaria when journeying from Judea to Galilee; but Christ's love for sinners constrained Him to go that way. He lived not to please Himself, but to seek and to save the lost. In this He has left us an example that we should follow His steps. Meanwhile let us center our thoughts on the woman. See her as: 1. A FLAGRANT SINNER It is quite clear from John 4:18 that this woman lived in a condition of shameless immorality. She seems to have been the chief among this class of sinners. But Jesus knew when and where to find her. It is no mere coincidence to come into contact with the Son of God. He knows the way that we take. Once again thank you for joining us one again on this podcast. Gos´s blessing ; until next time. My name is César and I'm a Voice in the Desert. Joins us at

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