Friday, August 9, 2019 Seventy Times Seven

The scriptures talk about being turned over to the tormentors for not forgiving a debt. Then came Peter to him, and said, “Lord, how oft shall my brot...

Thursday, August 8, 2019 Tentación

Comencemos con la tentación, el pecado y el arrepentimiento. Aquí hay una base para caminar en santidad y en el espíritu. Para una recuperación rápida...

Wednesday, August 7, 2019 My Lord Has Delivered Me

Many have tried to bring me done, defame me, discredit, stain my character, jail me and even kill me. But by the mercy and grace of God by His very ow...

Wednesday, August 7, 2019 Hope in The Lord

We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. (Psalms 33: 20) Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust ...

Wednesday, August 7, 2019 Temptation

Let’s start with temptation, sin and repentance. Here is a foundation for walking in holiness and in the spirit. For quick recovery and getting back o...

Wednesday, July 24, 2019 False Evidence Appearing Real

The devil will stop at nothing to keep us tormented and in fear. This is where the lies are exposed. Call someone who knows Jesus and isn’t afraid to ...

Tuesday, July 23, 2019 Hurt by Offenses

How can people assist those caught up in offense? We must love them unconditionally and listen to them. People with offense want to be valued and hear...

Tuesday, July 23, 2019 Lastimados por ofensas

¿Cómo pueden las personas ayudar a los que están ofendidos? Debemos amarlos incondicionalmente y escucharlos. Las personas con ofensa quieren ser valo...

Tuesday, July 23, 2019 You have been rescued

If we have been rescued from the dominion of darkness, then the evil one has no power over us. Jesus rescued us, and He did a good job of it. Consider...

Tuesday, July 23, 2019 Fuera Espiritu de Ofensa

Si has sentido el ataque del espíritu de ofensa en la casa de Dios o en algún otro lugar. Por favor, no dejes que este espíritu se establezca en ti. P...

Tuesday, July 23, 2019 Out Spirit of Offense!

If you have felt the attack of the spirit of offense in the house of God or some other place. Please don’t let this spirit take residence in you. Plea...

Wednesday, July 10, 2019 Sometimes we have to burn our bridges

In the Bible, most of the people who were called into the Lord’s service had to burn their bridges in some respect. They had to make an irrevocable co...


on 4/26/2024

"🌟 'A Voice in the Desert has truly been a beacon of light in my life. The insights and spiritual guidance have helped me navigate through tough times with grace.' - Emily R. 🌟 Your journeys inspire...

on 4/22/2024

"I couldn't put this book down! Each chapter left me feeling more inspired and enlightened than the last. Cesar Castro has a way of speaking directly to the soul, and his words have stayed with me lon...

on 4/15/2024

I recently downloaded several free ebooks by author Cesar Castro on A Voice in the Desert, and I must say I am extremely impressed with the quality of the content. The books are well-written, engaging...

on 4/7/2024

I have been an avid listener of the A Voice in the Desert Christian Podcast for quite some time now, and I must say it has been a truly enlightening and enriching experience. The messages shared in ...

on 4/4/2024

I absolutely love listening to A Voice In The Desert podcast. The messages are always inspiring, thought-provoking, and full of wisdom. The host has a unique way of connecting biblical teachings to re...

on 4/1/2024

"🌟 'A Voice in the Desert has truly been a beacon of light in my life. The insights and spiritual guidance have helped me navigate through tough times with grace.' - Emily R. 🌟 Your journeys inspire...

on 4/1/2024

"I have been listening to A Voice In the Desert Christian Podcast for some time now, and I am continually inspired by the thought-provoking messages and deep spiritual insights shared on the podcast. ...

on 2/18/2019

Truth to the core...

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