Sunday, August 2, 2020 La Cruz Significa Obedencia

Jesús hizo esta declaración: "Si alguien desea venir tras de mí, que se niegue a sí mismo, tome su cruz y me siga" (Mateo 16:24). Algunos toman la cru...

Sunday, August 2, 2020 Cross Symbolizes Obedience

Jesus made this statement, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me" (Matt. 16:24). Some take u...

Friday, January 31, 2020 The Radical Cost Of Following Jesus Christ

• Scripture: Luke 9:56–62 And they went on to another village. 57 As they were going along the road, someone said to Him, "I will follow You wherever ...

Saturday, January 18, 2020 Jesus was a man under Authority

Jesus was a man under authority. He worked according to the guidelines He and the Father had agreed to before He came to earth. The major guideline, a...

Saturday, January 18, 2020 La Autoridad De Jesus Cristo

Fue la autoridad en la que trabajó Jesucristo lo que más sorprendió a la gente de su época y lo que más cuestionaron los líderes judíos. Jesús experim...

Saturday, January 18, 2020 Jesus Christ's Authority

the authority in which Jesus Christ worked that most surprised the people of His day and that was most questioned by the Jewish leaders. Jesus experie...

Saturday, January 18, 2020 Jesus fue un hombre bajo autoridad

Jesús era un hombre bajo autoridad. Trabajó de acuerdo con las pautas que Él y el Padre habían acordado antes de venir a la tierra. La directriz princ...

Saturday, January 18, 2020 The Devil Has No Power

In reality, the devil has very little, if any, power or authority other than that granted him by those who obey him or by their ancestors.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019 It's By My Spirit

Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.—Zechariah 4: 6 This is a very powerful verse because the Lord our God says it’s...

Tuesday, December 31, 2019 Una Nacion Nace En El Dia de Pentecostes

En Pentecostés, el Espíritu Santo vino a producir una nueva nación de muchas naciones, una nueva raza de muchas razas: el pueblo de Dios (lea Hechos 2...

Tuesday, December 31, 2019 A New Nation Born at Pentecost

When we think of ourselves as an army, the issue of discipline and the fulfillment of Kingdom standards become more critical than personal security an...

Tuesday, December 31, 2019 Soldado Cristiano

Cuando nos consideramos un ejército, la cuestión de la disciplina y el cumplimiento de los estándares del Reino se vuelven más críticos que la segurid...


on 4/26/2024

"🌟 'A Voice in the Desert has truly been a beacon of light in my life. The insights and spiritual guidance have helped me navigate through tough times with grace.' - Emily R. 🌟 Your journeys inspire...

on 4/22/2024

"I couldn't put this book down! Each chapter left me feeling more inspired and enlightened than the last. Cesar Castro has a way of speaking directly to the soul, and his words have stayed with me lon...

on 4/15/2024

I recently downloaded several free ebooks by author Cesar Castro on A Voice in the Desert, and I must say I am extremely impressed with the quality of the content. The books are well-written, engaging...

on 4/7/2024

I have been an avid listener of the A Voice in the Desert Christian Podcast for quite some time now, and I must say it has been a truly enlightening and enriching experience. The messages shared in ...

on 4/4/2024

I absolutely love listening to A Voice In The Desert podcast. The messages are always inspiring, thought-provoking, and full of wisdom. The host has a unique way of connecting biblical teachings to re...

on 4/1/2024

"🌟 'A Voice in the Desert has truly been a beacon of light in my life. The insights and spiritual guidance have helped me navigate through tough times with grace.' - Emily R. 🌟 Your journeys inspire...

on 4/1/2024

"I have been listening to A Voice In the Desert Christian Podcast for some time now, and I am continually inspired by the thought-provoking messages and deep spiritual insights shared on the podcast. ...

on 2/18/2019

Truth to the core...

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