Understanding Familiar Spirits: A Biblical Perspective
by César CastroUnderstanding Familiar Spirits: A Biblical Perspective
Relax and enjoy, And now your host Cesar.
Hi all, welcome to A Voice in the Desert. It’s a pleasure to have you join us today and share God's word with you. It is our sincerest desire that today's message will uplift you, strengthen your faith, and guide you in your walk with Jesus Christ. And now we leave you with our hosts and today's message.
Hi folks, welcome to A Voice in the Desert. It’s great to have you with us once again. Today we're going to be speaking about a special topic. Today’s message is titled "What is a Familiar Spirit".
What is a Familiar Spirit?
A familiar spirit is a specific type of evil spirit. That’s correct! It is evil identified by its primary characteristics, familiarity, and regularity. I inform you, there are two kinds of familiar spirits: a family demon or bloodline curse and a spirit associated with becoming too common with a person, place, or thing. Witchcraft that works through divination. The spirit works through mediums and operates as a counterfeit Holy Spirit. Simply put, a familiar spirit is a demonic assignment that surveys and studies people, territories, and bloodlines of the genealogy of families.
The Goals of Familiar Spirits
The goals of these spirits' assignments are to gather spiritual intelligence that will open doors to instigate death and destruction upon you, your family, or ministry. They enter and gain power in people's lives by disguising themselves as something common. That’s right: it's called familiar because it's common, while operating unawares through people, places, and things.
How Familiar Spirits Operate
Familiar spirits operate in twofold matters. They attach themselves to something or someone you are extremely familiar or comfortable with, but all the while their agenda is unknown to you. A person can willfully form a relationship with a familiar spirit, oftentimes simply through ignorance. He didn't know about it. That’s because deception is always part of the equation.
Deception and Familiar Spirits
When someone with a familiar spirit doesn't realize he has formed a relationship with a spiritual entity, he might assume his experiences are coming from his own imagination. A Christian with a familiar spirit might think that he has connected with God in the spirit realm. But he is deceived, not because he is pursuing something demonic, but because he is seeking something godly in the wrong way. And when I say in the wrong way, I mean he's trying to do it through his mind or soul instead of connecting with God in the spirit.
The Importance of Discernment
This is why it's critical to know who you are inviting into your home and heart. Leviticus 10:10-11 instructs the Levites to teach people the difference between what is holy and what is common. In simple terms, holiness is that which is consecrated or separated unto God. In the society we live in today, holiness is unusual. It sticks out as different and rare. The New Testament puts it this way: "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad and easy is the path that leads the way to destruction and eternal loss, and there are many who enter through it. But small is the gate and difficult to travel is the path that leads the way to life—and there are few who find it" (Matthew 7:13-14). When I talk about life, I mean everlasting, eternal spiritual life. And how many people find it? A few.
Being Aware of Our Surroundings
So, now that we know the terms of a familiar spirit, we need to be aware of our surroundings, the people we associate with, and the people we collaborate with. We have to be very careful because we can see this happening in the United States where they have removed God from everything, and now everything is becoming so worldly and satanic-based, with no Christian morals in place anymore, to hold this world together. This is where these types of spirits get a hold of people. Why do my people perish? Because of a lack of knowledge and that lack of knowledge is due to the lack of knowledge of the Word of God.
Seeking Guidance from God
So I tell you, if there is something that you don't know, stay away from it. If something is being introduced to you or presented to you, ask God the Holy Spirit to intercede on your behalf and tell you what decisions should be made. Should you associate with this person? Should you take this object as a gift? Should you buy this object as an adornment for your home? Yes, even something as mundane as buying an object, because you never know. You might go into an antique shop and not know what you're buying or the history behind that object. Spirits can operate through these types of things.
Knowing this, we have to be careful. Thank you for giving me this time to explain this to you, even though it's a brief message, but a very important one. Another message will follow this one, and I want you to tune back to A Voice in the Desert to see what that new message is. Once again, I want to thank you for joining us. It’s a pleasure having you, as always. God bless you and have a great day. Once again, my name is Cesar and I'm A Voice in the Desert. God bless you.
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