Preaching, Teaching, Fellowship, And Worship
by Cesar CastroPreaching, Teaching, Fellowship, And Worship
You as an individual bible Christian are a member of the body of Christ with a mission to fulfil here on earth. The church as a body has a mission to carry out for Christ in the world. There is a corporate as well as an individual dimension in fulfilling the demand of the Great Commission. Your mission is to evangelize, edify, witness, worship, testify and teach others about Christ as much as possible. Preaching is the recruiting and motivating ministry of the church while teaching which is now lost in the church is the maturing ministry.
Through preaching, new converts are born into God’s family; through teaching the new converts are matured from milk to strong meat. When you are matured through teaching, you can relate with God directly, hear Him, talk to Him and discover the deep things of the Lord. You can seek help, assistance from senior believers, fellow believers, and ministers of the gospel but not depend wholly upon them. Part of the mission of the church is that of making disciples of all nations. Discipling is more than teaching. This is because one may teach bycommunicating a system of precepts.
One disciples another by demonstrating truth with example (1 Thessalonians 1:5-7; Mark 16:15-20; Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 2:42; 5:42; 11:26). No new convert, even an old believer can achieve the above without having fellowship and worshipping regularly with other believers. Everyone is expected to gather regularly to learn from one another, draw strength from one another, grow together under a Spirit-filled ministry. As we gather, having a common relationship to the father and the son in the body of Christ, where we are united by the Spirit in the bonds of love, unity, and singleness of purpose, we grow together in Christ (Acts 2:42; 2 Corinthians 8:4; 1 John 1:3, 7; John 4:23; 1 Peter 2:9).
The reason why demonic operations, satanic attacks, and impossibilities are increasing in our time is because of the lack of true preaching, teachings, and discipleship. It is the lack of true fellowship and true worship which leads to a lack of Christian maturity. Lack of Christian maturity leads to people depending on others to hear from God. It also leads to long demonic possession, oppression, and attacks without true deliverance. It will lead to one becoming and remaining a baby Christian who knows not his rights, benefits, and entitlements.
At that point, you have the right of deliverance, freedom, and complete emancipation but you are not fit. That is why many only seek prophecies, healing, deliverance, and freedom from commercial prophets, money-making ministers. The bible spoke of Christian growth and maturity through submitting to true preaching, through prayers, ministry of God’s word, the exercise of your faith, patience in testing, trials, love, grace, Christian works, and spiritual gifts (Ephesians 4:11-15; Colossians 1:28; 2 Peter 3:18; Hebrews 6:1-3; 5:12-14).
The reason why demons are having their ways in people’s lives is because of the lack of maturity of believers. Many modern ministers deceive their followers not to follow Christ, to have the right knowledge of Christ and their authority in
Christ over demons. Many as a result of lack of true preaching, teachings, fellowship, worship, and maturity suffer and die under demonic operations. Many are afraid of studying about demons, talking about demons but fail to understand that Christ and his disciples spoke about demons (Matthew 12:24; Revelation 12:3; John 8:44; Matthew 12:24; Ephesians 2:2; Ephesians 6:12; 1 John 3:8; Revelations 12:10; 1 Peter 5:8; Revelation 9:11).
Lack of true knowledge of your rights over demons will bring you under the dominion of demons to suffer from demonic operations. There is nothing wrong for believers to pray together, ask for prayer assistance but it is wrong to remain a baby Christian every year, depending upon others for your deliverance and dominion over demons (Ephesians 2:12-20; Matthew 18:18, 19; Mark 16:17, 18; Luke 10:18-19; 9:1; John 14:12-14).
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