By His Evil Deeds Is He Known

All welcome to a voice in the desert. It's a pleasure to have. You join us today in sharing god's word with you, it's our sincerest desire that today's message will uplift. You strengthen your faith and guide you in your walk with jesus christ, and now we leave you with our host in today's message.


Hi folks welcome once again to a voice in the desert great to be with you as always great, to have everyone from around the world. Listening and sharing god's word today, we have a message today for you very special message and we would like for you to really be able to listen, deeply okay and concentrate on this message. If need be, download it for free and replay it again, because it's that important, the title of the message for today is by his evil deeds. Is he known who is he we're gon na find out just that in a couple of seconds uh, but like always, we do our prayer before we start and then we continue uh with today's message.


Dear father, I want to say thank you, dear lord god, for all the things that you've done with us this week. Thank you for all the miracles that have occurred and have gone unnoticed by us. Forgive us for not acknowledging them. We're not see them. Father God guide us today into your word guide us by your Holy Spirit. Let your word be fallen on fertile grounds, let them he who has ears. Listen to what the word of the lord has to say in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit, and everyone said amen.

Satan Has a Discernible Presence


So, just as we can know the enemy by his wicked name, we can also identify him, especially by his actions, knowing how he acts helps us to discern when he is in our midst. Okay, it's gonna help us number one satan has a discernible presence. When we are walking with the lord and being guided by the holy spirit, we are able to discern the presence of evil. It is almost as if all the hair on our arms will stand up when satan or his forces are around us. I know I do. I can definitely discern when evil is around, and that is thanks to the Holy Spirit, not because of my own volition, because of the relationship that I hold with God in his Word and his Holy Spirit


When this happens, we come to know his presence. We know. What's going on, our spirit tells us that something isn't right. This discernment is a function of the wisdom that comes through the Holy Spirit, so who is going to be able to discern this wickedness? Only those that are children of God and have received the holy spirit? Those that have given themselves over to the Lord Jesus Christ .


Satan Will Bind Us to Doctrines


Satan is a very religious and legalistic entity. I' gonna call it that. Therefore he creates structures that holds us in place through religious legalism. But let's be clear about this point: religious legalism is nothing more than superstition. I'm going to repeat this again: religious legalism is nothing more than superstition. Superstition says that if we do a b and c, then we can expect d to occur or it says. If a occurs, then we need to do b and c and d in order to cancel out any bad effects of a, for instance, some field. They have to leave their bible open to a certain passage in their bedroom, or else satan will gain access. Others may think that they have to light a candle or burn incest to maintain the presence of God.

Some fear actually saying the name of the devil or coming against him, because they think that such an act are invitations for him to operate in their lives in our lives. The truth is that satan already plots against each of us every single day. These superstitious rituals are legalistic and come with demonic snares. If the lord has someone do a prophetic act for a particular reason. That's one thing this is: there is freedom in that, but if people blindly follow rituals that they do not understand, there is no freedom in that because they are bound to that ritual instead of seeking the french strategy from god, god satan is continually opposed.


Satan Is Continually Opposed to the Gospel


Let me repeat this again: satan is continually opposed to the gospel. We see this evidence of this throughout the lord's ministry, satan attempted to work through Jesus followers, he hates those who carry the good news and he connives that's right because he's a conniver to confuse and hinder anyone who is communicating God's redemptive plan that includes you and Me and all those that preach the word of the Lord.


Satan Searches for Men and Women Who Can Be Taken Captive by Him


You can read this in 2, timothy 2, 26. He longs to seduce us from God's path and to control our wills. He is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour this. You will find in first peter 5, 8. He lurks and lies in waits to ambush us on our path. That's all he does he's waiting for that moment and following us. Okay, he's hiding in the back of the woods where he thinks we have forgotten about us, but he hasn't he's been still following us all this time.


Satan Looks for Opportune Times


He looks for opportune times when the period of testing in the wilderness has been completed for Jesus . The devil left him until an opportune time, which implies that the enemy would watch for his next opportunity. You can find this and read it in matthew. 3. 11.. This is essential for us to understand. We defeat the enemy battle by battle, even if we have won a victory against him, we need to remember that he will look for another opportunity to attack or oppose us. He is going to find he's gonna sit back and he's gonna wait because he's got all the time in the world he's got patience, he's got patience to destroy us and we must have that same patience to fight him back.


Satan Changes Laws Because He Is a Legalist


Satan must use laws and control entire political and social structures to benefit his plans. By doing so, he is able to obscure the absolute truth of god's righteousness and cause that which god abhors to seem almost benign an example of this in the United States at this time. As of this, writing that I'm doing right now is same-sex marriage. Now we're going to talk about this a little bit over the top, but I want you to get this right: sex marriage beyond that which is the covenant of God, which is between man and woman. Yes, it's a sin. It is a sin like any other sin like lying like stealing like killing, so we are talking here about the sin: we're not talking about the individual, we're not singling out the individual. We are singling out that which is killing that individual.


There is. This is a huge debate in which satan has diverted attention away from righteousness and towards so-called rights of individuals. To act in whatever way seems right to them, and you know what god sets limits. He has limits for us. Okay and those limits are to protect us and keep us within his will. The push in many states to allow such marriages will ultimately produce legally sanctioned unions that are diametrically opposed to the absolute truth that God has set forth in both the old testament and new testament know the enemy's limitation, despite looking at the power and intent of the Enemy, we can't ever forget that he is a defeated enemy. Oh yes, don't ever forget it. He is defeated already.


Satan Is Defeated


All he is doing is hurting people and taking as many as he can before. His time is up, and he is defeated by the Lord paul - can say: confidently. The God of peace will crush satan under your feet shortly. You'Ll find that in romans, 16 20.Satan and the demonic forces have been defeated by the life and death and resurrection of jesus christ. Thank you, lord, for that sacrifice that you did on that cross, for it wasn't for that. Where will we be now? In the end? Satan and his demons will be completely overcome. In fact, jesus satan and the demonic forces have been defeated by the life and death and resurrection of jesus christ. Hallelujah i'd love to hear that came into the world to destroy the works of the devil. You'll find that in first john 3, 8, the cross was a decisive victory over satan and satan's host you'll find this in colossians 2 15.


This victory ensured that countless numbers would be delivered from the dominion of darkness and transferred to the kingdom of christ. Read it up colossians 1 13, but this is not just an end time promise for when the clouds part - and we see the lord descend when he comes back for a second time, we have promises of satan's defeat in our lives today. Right at this very moment, we are the only ones who can allow him to become the man in our lives. We you, but we through the leading of the Holy Spirit, also have the authority to outwit his schemes and dethrone him. So the power has been given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ , and let it be known today that satan has been defeated. He was defeated on the cross. He was defeated by Jesus Christ. He is trying to harm our fellow brothers and sisters, although there have not come to know Jesus as intimately as we have.


Accept Christ Today


That is the reason of these messages. These messages are to prepare you for when you confront this evilness, you are able to discern and know what it is and that you are able to develop and come over to the light, come and join the kingdom of Jesus christ by accepting christ in your life. Today, today it's given to you, but tomorrow you don't know if you'll make it till tomorrow, so you have the decision to accept christ today, as your savior and it's as simple as saying dear jesus today, i accept you as my savior. Forgive me of my sins. I will depart and sin no more write, my name in the book of life baptize me in the holy spirit and keep me from evil. In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit and those that accepted christ said amen, and we, your brothers in christ, are right. Now there is a party in heaven going on right now, because you have accepted jesus christ. It'S that easy to save your life from eternal death, but it's a continual battle to stay away from hell. You have to guard your salvation to somebody something someone a wicked thing, a wicked entity. A demon wants to take it away from you once again. My name is Cesar and I am a voice in the desert. God bless you all.

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